DATE: April 06, 2018

Young professionals find purpose as a meaningful aspect in building up their career. Are you one of them? Or have you already got some experience and are eager to reflect your work and learn how you can change the way you see it?

Come and enjoy breakfast while listening to our inspiring speakers tell their stories. We will have an opportunity to hear about what finding a clear purpose means to fast growing, scale up companies, what are the concrete steps for individuals to change their mindset to see more purpose in their work and how organizations can measure their impact on economy, environment, health and society.

Our energetic speakers are:

Vilja Hannula – CEO, Kasvuryhmä

– What purpose means and why it has become a hot topic among the companies

– How seeking purpose affects on work life and challenges companies to change

– How scale-up companies in Kasvuryhmä have adopted purpose thinking in their core values

Emmi Kantonen – CEO, Studentwork Finland

– The story of our Purpose

– What purpose means to the individuals of Studentwork?

– Purpose as the driver for passion and personal growth

Annu Nieminen – Founder & CEO, The Upright Project

– How to measure net impact to put technology in use to enable more fact-based decision-making for consumers, employees and investors.


7:30-8:00 Breakfast served

8:00-9:15 Presentations and discussion

9:15-10:00 Networking and informal discussion


What: Breakfast – Building up a meaningful career

Where: Studentwork premises, Runeberginkatu 5 B, 10th floor

When: Friday 6.4.2018 from 7:30 onwards

Who: 40 first ones to sign up

Price: 10 €

The registration starts on Tuesday 20th March. The registration link is given by your FYP Network Leader.

If you have any question regarding the event, do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to info @ finlandyoungprofessionals.fi or via Facebook messaging.

See you in the event!